Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in Guatemala

We had a fun Christmas in Guatemala, but we would have like the fireworks to stop a little earlier. But they didn´t, and when we went out to get something to eat, there was a bunch of wrappings from the fireworks in the street. I even found a smashed Gallo beer bottle in the street...

We got a new stocking at the market for Santa. The stocking is green with a snowman, a christmas tree, two people and some snowflakes...

This is the second christmas I was in guatemala. My mom and dad were here with me when I was a baby in 2003.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miguel, Merry Christmas
    I am really enjoying your blog and all the pictures here and on FaceBook. I love the masks and happy you spent the money I gave you on them. We'll have to decide how to display them in your room when you get home. I hope you will let me help with that. Miss you and love you lots. Gramma
